Alternatives: Taste of The Wild

As many of you may have noticed, Taste of the Wild is facing a pretty severe shortage currently. With little to no bags of one of our most popular foods, we wanted to offer alternatives. Using our feeding calculator for a typical 60lb dog, we compared prices over a month's period to give you options that may work into your budget similarly to Taste of the Wild.

BrandCups per dayPrice of bagWeight of BagCost per dayCost per month
Diamond Naturals3.2540.89400.8324.92
First Mate Grain friendly249.99250.8625.71
FirstMate grain free277.99291.1735.06
Nutrisource Element1.580.99241.2737.96
Taste of the Wild349.99281.3440.17
Acana Grain free2.2565.99251.3540.49
Fromm Grains355.19301.3841.39

Above are brands we picked out that are in similar price ranges to Taste of the Wild. We have drawn a table to compare the price of the bag, feeding portions, size of bag, and drawing that all together to give us the cost of feeding per month. This number gives us the best possible comparison when price, weight of bag, and feeding portion is all accounted for. As we can see, Taste of the Wild fits just about in the middle here at just over $40 a month. Some notable higher quality foods that are near similar prices are Firstmate both Grain Friendly and Grain Free ($25.71 & $35.06), Nutrisource Element ($37.96) and Acana ($40.49) These higher quality foods are cheaper to feed because their feeding portions are significantly smaller than Taste of the Wild (3 cups) whereas Firstmate Grain Free (2 cups) and Grain Friendly (2 cups), Nutrisource Element (1.5 cups) and Acana (2.25 cups) come in with smaller portions. This makes these high quality foods last nearly twice as long as a bag of Taste of the Wild.

These feeding differences can make a better quality food more attainable for most households as well as offer good alternatives when problems like our national shortage we are currently experiencing. These shortages are not something any of us want to see, but staying flexible in the foods we use can help us when problems arise. Hope this helps and we hope that regular shipments of all of our foods will come soon. If you have any questions or would like to compare other options not listed here, feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to help. Check in on our Kibble Comparison blog post to see other alternatives and how they may stack up to even grocery store favorites!


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