Emergency Shelter for Stray Cats

With more and more inclement weather becoming common on the north coast as a product of global climate change, we wanted to share a way to help. There are many stray cats and outdoor cats throughout Arcata and Humboldt County. We know as concerned pet owners and pet lovers, housing all these kitties is a monumental task. Something we can do is provide temporary shelter during storms and cold snaps. We firmly believe the responsible choice for our household cats is to be kept indoors with inclement weather being only one of many hazards for outdoor cats. For cats without the option, such as feral or stray cats, building shelters is important.

Some basics to know are that items like towels or blankets can absorb moisture and actually create a hazard for sheltering cats. Using insulate or even something as simple as straw can provide a layer of warmth while allowing for good airflow. Cats do a surprisingly good job at keeping themselves warm, but keeping them dry is most important. Something as simple as a styrafoam cooler with a layer of straw as bedding can work perfectly. We are going to show you how to build a double walled shelter.

What you will need

A large plastic tub (approximately 30 gallons)

  • A small plastic tub (approximately 20 gallons)

  • Box cutter

  • Straw (NOT hay)

  • Permanent marker

  • Scissors

  • Hair dryer

  • Thin slab of Styrofoam

  • Plastic flowerpot (Choose a flowerpot that does not taper too much at the bottom, because this will be turned into an entrance later.)

Step by step

Stay warm out there y’all


Moisture is a must


Farmina Pet Foods