Green Juju’s Golden Paste & Bam’s Beets

Green Juju’s two new products are finally on our shelves! Golden Paste and Bam’s Beets are here and we couldn’t be more excited. These are both fermented products, improving their bioavailibility of the ingredients and improving digestibility while introducing tons of probiotics. They are made with whole super foods that will boost any bowl they are added to!

Lua’s Fermented Golden Paste

Golden paste is nothing new. In fact many of us may be familiar with it’s use in things like Golden Milk! Golden Paste is a mix of organic turmeric and organic coconut oil all fermented to make a great bowl booster. Golden Paste is great for inflammatory responses in our pets, supported through potent antioxidants. These also act as an immune support item. This is the perfect supplement for senior pups that need a boost or any other pets that may be dealing with regular inflammation.

Fermented Bam’s Beets

Bam’s Beets is a blend of red beets and purple cabage. This super food topper is great for digestive and immune health! Did you know over 70%. A happy tummy makes a happy pup. This is a perfect healthy bowl bulker to help fill those stomachs that never seem to be full. They are of course a wonderful addition fiber for our pets with regular digestive upset. The fermented nature of this also adds tons of beneficial probiotics into the system, further benefiting digestive health.

We absolutely love Green Juju and their new line of fermented supplements. They are a perfect addition to any dog bowl and can improve the quality of any diet with no effort. Check it out on your next visit!


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